Jos Letschert
Dutch painter, sculptor and poet (1948). Living in Germany since 2010.
Graduated from the Pedagogical Academy St. Jozef te Zeist, NL(1971). Graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts, Amersfoort NL (1973-1983). Obtained a PhD in Social Sciences from Utrecht University (1998). Researcher and manager at the Dutch Institute for Curriculum Development SLO. Emeritus Professor of Curriculum Studies at the University of Twente, NL.
My artwork has been exhibited in the Netherlands and in Germany and is in private collections in the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Scotland, USA and Canada. In 2020 a large solo-exhibition took place in museum ‘De Wieger’, Deurne, in The Netherlands.
1966 - 1971 Pedagogische Academie St . Jozef (Teacher training College St. Joseph), Zeist, The Netherlands
1973 - 1983 Akademie voor beeldende vorming (University of Arts), Amersfoort, The Netherlands
1998 University of Utrecht, The Netherlands. PhD, Educational Science
Jos Letschert - Drawings, Paintings, Sculpture
Galerie Greve
Bad Salzuflen Germany
5 Juni - 10 July 2022
"The visual memory of the town" ("Het visuele geheugen van de stad")
Rietveldpaviljoen Amersfoort NL
Participation with: "Pall, a shroud for Laertes", ("Pall, een doodskleed voor Laertes")
Collection: Leonie and Lex van de Haterd
21.04.2022 - 15.05.2022
Galerie Greve
Bad Salzuflen Germany
3 April - 29 May 2022
With Silke Sturm, Redzep Memisevic and Jörg Pieper
Griekse mythologie opnieuw verbeeld
(Greek mythology reimagined)
Museum 'De Wieger', Deurne, The Netherlands
Together with Beate Letschert (Photos)
Curator: Dr. Lex van de Haterd
19 January - 28 June 2020
Amersfoort revisited
Gallery 1664, Amersfoort, The Netherlands
6 February - 27 may 2017
Amersfoort met lens en penseel
(Amersfoort with lens and brush)
Gallery 1664, Amersfoort, The Netherlands
Together with Beate Letschert (Photos)
18 October - 15 February 2016
Gallery Silvia Strüßmann, Detmold, Germany
31 October - 1 November 2015
Tekeningen en schilderijen
(Drawings and paintings)
Gallery 1664, Amersfoort, The Netherlands
21 September - 10 November 2014
St. Nicolai Church, Lemgo, Germany
March 2014
Gallery 1664, Amersfoort, The Netherlands
Together with Michiel Jansen (Sculpture)
2 March - 23 April 2014
Double Dutch
Gallery Levantehaus
Hamburg, Germany
22 October - 20 November 2010
Dichter bij kunstenaars
Closer to artists
Jos Letschert
30 portraits, and poems, 2024
Language: Dutch
Iphigenia in Aulis, by Euripides
Catalogue at the play by Themis Moumoulidis
Three paintings and two sculptures by Jos Letschert
Athens/Epidauris Festival 2022
Language: Greek, with an English summary
Anodos - Kathodos
Jos Letschert
Translation: Beate Letschert
Poetry, 2022.
Language: Dutch/German
Collected poems
Edited and updated version of:
Na de ijstijd/Nach der Eiszeit
Van Armando tot Zadkine
From Armando to Zadkine)
Collectie Lex en Leonie van de Haterd
Catalogue at eponymous exhibition
Text: Lex van de Haterd and Katuscha Otte
Pp.78 - 79: Jos en Beate Letschert
Museum De Wieger Deurne, 2020
Language: Dutch
Griekse mythologie opnieuw verbeeld
(Greek mythology reimagined)
Jos Letschert
Photos by Beate Letschert
Catalogue at eponymous Exhibition in Museum De Wieger, Deurne NL 2019
Language: Dutch
Onder curatele
(Under guardianship)
Jos Letschert
Translation: Beate Letschert
Essays on Art, 2019.
Language: Dutch
Glans en gloria
(Shine and gloria)
Jos Letschert
Translation: Beate Letschert
Poetry, 2018.
Language: Dutch/German
De tekenaar
(The drawer)
Novel, 2017.
Language: Dutch
Gloedvol tegenlicht/ Glühendes gegenlicht
(Glowing backlight)
Poetry, 2016. With Beate Letschert.
Language: Dutch/German
Amersfoort met lens en penseel
(Amersfoort with lens and brush)
Jos Letschert and Beate Letschert
Catalogue at eponymous exhibition in Gallery 1664, Amersfoort, NL
Language: Dutch
Ruthless self-portrait
I am visiting
myself tonight,
not so inspiring
at first sight,
an empty glass
and little light.
I secretly check
my watch to see,
whether I stayed
long enough
to flee.